Paxil (Anti Depressants)

Paxil (Anti Depressants)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Paroxetine (trade names Seroxat, Paxil)

Paroxetine (trade names Seroxat, Paxil) is an inhibitor of reconsommation serotonin selective (SSRI) the antidepressant. The marketing of the medicament began in 1992 with the pharmaceutical company SmithKline Beecham, supporting GlaxoSmithKline. Paroxetine is used to treat important depression, maniacal and compulsive concern, of panic, social and riot of concern generalised in the grown-up external sick.

Paxil Drug Reactions

They notify strongly that Paxil must not be taken if you took Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) anywhere in the course of two last weeks, as consequences of this action can be lethal. You should also avoid taking this medicine if you were displayed to thioridazine (Mellaril) anywhere in six crossed weeks, as it can have death as result also.
Say to your personal specialist of healthcare if you take or took whatever following medicaments:

* Benzodiazepine
* Antidepressants of Tricyclic
* Phenothiazine
* Almotriptan
* Frovatriptan
* Carbamezepine
* Lithium
* Digoxin
* Warfarin
* Cimetidine

If you take currently what of these medicaments, or had finished the treatment recently with whatever of them, your personal doctor can decide that you should stop your treatment Paxil entirely or to change your proportion significantly, to support your health and security.

Paxil Side Effects

There are some side effects linked for the use of Paxil. Some of the they more frequent are:

* Allergic reactions
* Irregular pulse and heart beat
* Low blood pressure, with vertigo and weakness
* Hypertension, with strict headaches and blurred vision
* Fever
* Headaches
* Shakings, nervousness and concern
* Drowsiness
* Insomnia
* Dryness of the mouth
* Reduction in the sexual turn
* Freshness

There are other side effects which can appear by taking Paxil (Paroxitene, Seroxat or Aropax). If you begin experience the unusual symptoms, or they become too embarrassing, consult please your personal specialist of healthcare immediately to investigate and to establish reasons and to determine the appropriate course of action.

Paxil Missed Dose

You should support a strict programme of consumption, to avoid missing a dose of Paxil. However, should succeed at you in missing a dose, in taking it as soon as you remember, unless it is almost the time for another consumption, case in which they recommend that you skip this dose entirely and go on with your regular programme of consumption. Should be taken under no circumstances a double dose of Paxil to compensate for the losing, as consequences can be dangerous severely for your health.

Paxil Overdose

Among the symptoms of overdose Paxil, most common are nausea, vomiting, shakings, seizures, agitation, drowsiness, hyperactivity, enlarged pupils. If you have what of these symptoms or have the reason to think that you suffer from an overdose with this medicament, contact please immediately your personal specialist of healthcare or go to the closest hospital to search the attention of emergency relief.

Paxil Dosage

Please your personal doctor to prescribe the proportion Paxil best admitted for your age and general medical condition. Do not try to add a medicinal substance of one, as it can have as result tomb, perhaps even lethal consequences. Do not use the proportion prescribed to another patient, as doses can vary a lot of medicine case in other one.

Paxil Intake Guidelines

Your personal health care specialist should provide you with a detailed list of instructions regarding Paxil intake. It is strongly advised that you never deviate from these guidelines. If you have trouble understanding any of the directions, please ask your doctor, a pharmacist or a nurse to better explain them to you. The pills should be taken whole, not crushed or broken, and accompanied by a glass of water. If you are taking Paxil (Paroxitene, Seroxat or Aropax) in suspension, it is recommended that you shake the suspension well before pouring a dose of the drug. Do not cease to take this medicine abruptly, as there may be unwanted consequences. Instead, talk to your personal health care specialist and set up a cessation plan, to avoid unwanted effects.

Paxil Warnings

You should avoid taking Paxil if you took Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) anywhere in two last weeks, or if you were displayed to thioridazine (Mellaril) anytime in the course of 6 crossed weeks, as consequences can be fatal. Discuss with your personal specialist of healthcare before beginning the treatment of Paxil and be sure that he is aware of your whole medical history. Special care and proportion will be used if you are or suffered of:

* Illness of the kidney
* Riot of liver
* Seizures or Epilepsy
* Manic-depressive riot
* Suicidal tendencies

Studies did not establish still firmly if Paxil is sure of taking during the pregnancy. If you are pregnant or projetants to become so soon, you should collate your personal doctor to see if you can begin a treatment with this medicament. You should also consult your personal specialist of healthcare if you are a mother nurse, as the active ingredients in this medicine are known pass in the milk of chest and can harm the baby.
Paxil can cause vertigo and drowsiness in certain cases, therefore they recommend that you avoid carrying operation out who demand extended concentration, such as behaviour or heavy machines of working.

Paxil Indications

Paxil is mainly prescribed for the treatment of such riot as depression, riot of panic, general concern, maniacal and compulsive riot, social concern or phobia and Riot of Tension Traumatique Post (PTSD). Paxil can also be prescribed to deal some other conditions, therefore it is the best that you ask your personal specialist of healthcare if you want to know more this medicament and why he was prescribed to you.